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Get Involved – Help Elect Bruce

You can help Bruce win the seat of Division 9 and ensure your interests and concerns are represented in council by volunteering to help or providing support.

“Hello to all of my friends, fellow residents and supporters. As you may already know, I am running as an independent candidate for Division 9 in the upcoming Local Government (Sunshine Coast Regional Council) elections, to be held 16th March.

As the division encompasses a large area, I am asking for your support with my campaign over this next month.



I have certainly appreciated the support so many of you have shown me in the past and now humbly ask for your help, suggestions or ideas as I push for better representation for the communities of Division 9.



Representing you, the Residents, so that your needs and those of your local community can be better served with YOU always coming first.”

As a volunteer or supporter, you can assist Bruce in many ways. Many hands make light work as they say and whatever skills, expertise or support you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

To offer your time or expertise, please contact Bruce here or visit the contacts page for more options.

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